need a dynamic speaker for your next event?

You are the CEO of your own Wellness

Barb Minemier, CEO • Holistic Health Coach • Speaker

CALL BARB 973.519.4491

download barb’s speaker sheet


Barb Minemier is a holistic health and wellness expert who helps men and women lose weight by counting chemicals not calories. She’s a sought after speaker for organizations, corporations, and wellness events. Barb is known for her “tell it like it is” approach that empowers audience members to take control of their energy levels and increase their focus and overall wellness. This results in better engagement, productivity, and satisfaction in the workplace.


  • Heart disease
  • 1 in 4 adults over the age of 45 are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs – most of that for prevention
  • 97 million are either diabetic or prediabetic and most of them don’t even know it

You know what’s heartbreaking about that?
Over 80% of those people didn’t have to become part of those statistics!


Food Changes Everything

Food can be the cause of all your ills or it can be the cure all of your ills. In this talk, Barb shows audience members which foods to avoid, which ones to include, and how to tell when a food is not a “good food” for you.

Wake Up So You Don’t Become a Statistic

The 3-o’clock slump. Lethargy. Inability to focus. Low productivity. Most of these issues can be resolved by becoming more involved and engaged in your own health. Barb teaches audiences the importance of reading labels, what to look for, what to avoid. Knowing what is really in the food you are eating.

What You Should Know That Your Doctors Aren’t Telling You

Instead of spending your money on doctor visits and prescriptions (that come with their own side effects), Barb teaches audiences how to reverse many of their health issues simply through nutrition.

Contact Barb at 973.519.4491 or email Barb at to discuss having her speak to your group, organization, or company.

Barbara held an excellent Health and Wellness Seminar for our Organization. Her topics were thoughtful and touched upon the ever-changing food and personal health climate we all live in today! Our staff enjoyed learning from her and we are excited to have her back again!
— Kristina Hill, Human Resource Manager, McCourt Global

On behalf of NYLPRIDE and the NYL Women’s Initiative groups here at New York Life Insurance Company, thanks so much for your very insightful presentation on health and nutrition. Your candor and positive attitude towards how to take steps to better health was warmly received.
—Bernadette, Director of Advanced Income Solutions Team, New York Life

Your passion for what you do and all that you represent prompted me to assess my eating habits and make some major dietary changes. I was concerned that like with most things, information is good, but it only goes so far and is usually forgotten as old habits creep in. That wasn’t the case for me with your teachings and the further proof of that came after I participated in your 14 day cleanse. What an eye opener! Thank you for increasing my awareness through your program I am enjoying greater health and more fun.
— Jane, Metropolitan Center

Both I and my fellow team members were impressed with Barbara’s presentation. She made us stop and really think about the hidden secrets in food labels. She gave us some practical advice that we can use going forward and we all walked away with a better understanding of how food can nourish our bodies and effect our health.
— Cathy Coloff, President, IT Radix – We make IT work for you

I attended a workshop at the YMCA about health. The woman who gave the workshop turned out to be Barbara Minemier. I was so impressed that I hired her for one of my workshops. I am the First Vice-President of the Education Association of Passaic and I am in charge of Programs. I plan on hiring Ms. Minemier next year for more of our workshops. Everyone who attended her workshop was thrilled with the information they received and already plan on attending more of her activities. I cannot say enough about the information she imparts. She does a body good.
—Jacque’ Diggs-Pinto, 1st Vice-President, Education Association of Passaic

We started a Wellness Committee this year at our Company to promote a healthy environment with motivation throughout the year. Barb helped us raise awareness of personal responsibility for wellness and helped identify numerous nutritional items that could help improve our lifestyles and make better decisions about our health. Barb provided me with a new insight on how to view the nourishment that goes into my body. I now am an observant consumer and I’m checking for chemicals instead of calories. She was entertaining, engaging, motivational, thought provoking and delivered a powerful message to our group of attendees. Thanks for inspiring and informing our team Barb!
—Jennifer McGlynn, VP Vendor Management Specialist CRVPM II, ConnectOne Bank

Contact or call 973.519.4491