A New You

Detox and Cleanse

Beginning February 16th.

Must be registered by February 7th.

A simple approach to feeling good again, leaving
fatigue, stomach bloat and brain fog behind.

I’ve put this program together just for you, so you can get the pep back in your step and live your life happy and healthy full out.

By following this simple program you will begin to feel the difference in just a short time. You’ll have more energy, your stomach bloat will diminish, your brain fog will clear up, you’ll sleep better and yes, you will lose weight! WooHoo!!! It’s a WIN WIN!!

I know….. You are asking yourself, “is this really possible?” Can I really rid myself of the fatigue and the intestinal distress I’ve felt for years? 


Once you can identify the foods that have been dragging you down and say bye-bye, it’s a snap! Will it happen overnight? No, but you will feel the difference, I promise, and it won’t take long!

  • Someone who has tried just about every diet program out there without any long term success?
  • Are you eating less, exercising more and still gaining weight?
  • Maybe you’ve accepted that the state of your health is due to your age or heredity?


Enroll Now


Hey there, I’m


I’m the Founder of Your Healthy Truth and I am passionate about helping people just like you make sense of all the misleading information out there. You are suffering needlessly because you are so confused about what’s good for you and what’s not, that you don’t even know where to begin. Thus, you do nothing which keeps you in a place of struggle with your health. And it’s not your fault!

I am a Holistic Nutrition Coach and I have been practicing for 15 years. During that time, I have helped clients lose weight, begin to heal, gain more clarity, have more confidence, more energy, and as a result they are living their life full out free from pain and limitation.



I used to be tired, bloated, and foggy myself. I was diagnosed with IBS, Candida, Leaky Gut, and high blood sugar. I have a gluten, dairy, egg, and banana allergy – I mean really?? Bananas?? These allergies had everything to do with my diagnosis. And I thought I was healthy! Ha! I took some supplementation and changed what I ate. As a result, I have been able to lose the weight I could never get rid of, have a ton more energy, more focused, and feel better than I have in years.


I am now a size 8, I can’t ever remember being a size 8…. ever!! I can finally wear the clothes I’ve always wanted too. Woohoo!!

Because most of the food we eat is heavily processed and is loaded with pesticides and other additives we need to periodically cleanse our bodies. We need to rid our bodies of these toxins as they will build up overtime. If we do not address these, inflammation will begin to take hold and once that happens you are left with a breeding ground for disease to thrive. Not to mention the stress we put on our organs to keep up.

By cleansing we can begin to rid our bodies of toxins and also reboot our metabolism.

I love leading group detoxes because we can all do anything for 2 weeks, right? And in just 2 short weeks you will see the results!

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t associate what you are eating with how you are feeling. I get it.

When you can experience, first-hand, feeling better after making dietary changes you can begin to connect the dots that yes, what I’m eating is impacting how I am feeling and my health. Once you get that down you’re on your way.

Sue is a beautiful example of someone who had tried everything but could not find her way…

…” After years of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes I couldn’t understand why I was always tired, congested, and discouraged. After completing two weeks of Barb’s cleanse I was bursting with energy. This plan taught me how to feed myself again with healthy foods and remove harmful “fake” foods. The bonus? I lost 14 pounds and most importantly I feel good.” -Sue

I’ve not had anyone who followed the program walk away without getting results. You can too.


Here’s what Dr. L had to say….


I am in the healing profession and have spent my entire career helping others achieve optimal health. I THOUGHT I was eating a healthy diet yet struggled with inflammatory pain and weight issues. I participated in the 14-day detox program and felt great as I moved through her well guided program. I continue on my journey and feel that I now have a healthier relationship with food, a better understanding of MY body’s nutritional needs and a certainty that I am living a nutritionally healthier life! Thanks Barb!

Dr. L

Welcome to the A New You
Detox and Cleanse

Beginning February 16th

Here’s what you’ll get

  • A packet with everything you’ll need to be successful
  • An intro call going over the packet explaining everything in detail and getting all your questions answered.
  • A shopping list and easy to prepare recipes
  • You’ll learn what to eat, what to drink, how to supplement, detox, move your body and more.
  • 2 weekly conference calls to help clarify your goals and offer you help with specific challenges.
  • Facebook group Fall Clean up Community will keep us on track and motivated. You’ll ask questions, find answers, and build momentum through supporting others. I check in daily to answer questions.
  • Videos & PDFs that give you simple, yet powerful guidance
  • Total access to me at any time via email.

*** JUST ADDED – an extra week to support you in the “adding back” process

I’ve added an extra week at the end of the detox to help guide you through the process of adding foods back. A lot of us have food sensitivities and have no idea what they are. We just know that sometimes we experience that uncomfortable feeling in our tummies, a headache or maybe a skin rash. During the detox I take out anything that could possibly inflame you and after 2 weeks you feel good – weight-loss, no more bloating, more clarity, a ton more energy and so much more. When you begin the process of adding foods back, it’s important that you do it in a way that you are able to identify which foods are causing you a problem. I will guide you through this phase.

This is probably the most important part of doing a detox especially if you’re looking to heal and feel good in your body again. I’ll have your back every step of the way.

It’s Practical and Powerful


I have been leading these for the past 8 years and have done many myself. I bring all of my experience into this and with each new bit of information I learn I pass on to you.


You’ll be fully supported. I will have your back.

  • Energized
  • Less Stressed
  • More confident ‒ no longer confused ‒ you’ll know exactly what to eat ‒ what’s good and what’s not.
  • More balanced moods
  • Your cravings will dissipate
  • 8 to 10 pounds lighter
  • More relaxed
  • You will build new habits you never could before for the long term

Don’t wait another minute to feel good in your body again.

Sign up today for the

A New You Detox & Cleanse

It’s time for you to live the life you’ve been wanting — free of pain and limitation.


Enroll Now

I had recently succumbed to the temptations of the Holidays as well as the non-stop corporate grind, and I was looking for the impetus to propel me back on track…enter Barb’s “CLEANSE, which I learned about in her newsletter…I signed on and never looked back!

The menu was surprisingly varied ‑ chock full of nuts, berries, fresh fruits and veggies, chicken, fish, and delicious juices and smoothies. I never felt deprived or hungry, and after 7 days I lost 5 pounds, felt a welcomed and delightful clarity and focus, and reconnected with my healthy self. Thanks to the continued support and encouragement provided by Barb, l am choosing foods that are nutrition-dense and non-taxing to my digestive system weeks beyond the end of the cleanse.


You can do this…let me show you how.